The PATCHES OF POWERS A Dehacked 3.1 patch These patches are designed not to obliterate enemies like fried eggs in water like so many other patches are. That rules, but face it: it's been done. These patches, instead, enhance the player and his abilities. One lets you revive enemies, then kill them again. One lets you create a drone, which can shield you and attack enemies if used very, very well. The best one, however, is the one they thought wasn't possible: you can now JUMP. Now for the requirements. You need Dehacked 3.0 or 3.1 to use this patch. They are very similar and don't use Final Doom. That's right, you also need Doom ][ version 1.9. Doom I won't work because all of these powers utilize things found only in Doom ][, and Dehacked can't load between versions of Doom ][, I think. It won't work in Final Doom because it won't even re- cognize there's a patch for it. I have included in this package four patches. They are the powers seperately and one with the powers combined. They fully explain the patch's effect, and explain how I did it, inside the patch file. To understand those explan- ations, though, you have to know how to hack. I couldn't word it in layman's terms very well. :) See those patches in both a text editor and Dehacked before reading on. Not only can't I stop you from doing whatever you want to with these patches, I want you to make other patches using these patches. A really good hacker can take these and do really cool things with it. Some suggestions: -An Archvile attack for the player -A better drone (I hate this one, but it works a little bit) -A jump that doesn't damage you, or even heals you -A way to spawn Lost Souls the same way Pain Elementals do -The REVENANT MISSILE PATCH (it's coming, I swear! The drone has something that resembles it now!) And other nifty, creative things that make Doom what it once wasn't. I'm uploading this patch to some key places (once I find them) but giving them specifically to:,, and Tree. I'm hoping that not only do they like these patches, but that they can use them to do at least one of the above suggestions. If you've played Wheel of Time Doom, you should begin to see how the healing jump could happen in the hands of such master editors. These come closer than I've ever seen come to making the above things happen. If you can jump, you can fire Revenant missiles, at LEAST by simulating it. That's all, except to say that I'll keep working on this and you should too, and... DOOM... IS... NOT... DEAD!!!!!